Our family has had a lot of changes lately. Whenever I saw this quote this morning on Facebook, I thought it was fitting for not only us, but for everyone that has made a change lately (no matter how big or small).
Moving from our house in Georgia with this
in the front yard has filled our summer with a lot of traveling back and forth to cut grass, keep the house "fresh" and clean, as well as, work on
(more on the car transformation later) |
Although, we are undergoing a lot of change--we are ALL TOGETHER and that makes it worth it all. We have been able to visit the beach quite often (almost every afternoon or evening), enjoy downtown Charleston, walk at pier at Patriot's Point (We see the USS Yorktown across the water, play at the park, and walk/swing at the pier.),enjoy eating at local restaurants (We have found a local ice cream shop that has the best 4 scoop sundaes. YUMMY!)We swim at the pool, walk the beach and collect shells, play ball (Chris usually gets lured into playing volleyball and soccer (with the playground ball) in the water. They play catch with a velcro ball. We tried frisbee and beach ball, but the wind was too strong and Dylan spent a lot of time running after them. It was so funny! Even when we go to the local Wal-mart we hear seagulls. Ashleigh and I have a running joke that the seagulls talk because the first time we saw/heard one we squawed back at it, and it continued to squawk back at us. Whenever we go to the beach at IOP there is a store that we must go into so that Austin can talk to the macaw. He loves "the bird". The bird's name is Bubba and it will say "Hello", "Good bye", "Hey Bubba" and other things. It even waves its wing bye as we are leaving.
(downtown Charleston at the bay near The Battery) |
(wagon ride-using tractor-at the KOA campground visiting the neighboring plantation. This is the drive with the mossy oak trees.) |
(Austin, Ashleigh, Dylan) |
(Cheese!-It is so hard to get all three of my kids to smile or look at the camera at the same time-well not Ashlei |
(Shem Creek) |
.JPG) |
(Here is the ice cream from Ye Old Colonial---Yummy!--reasonable price keeps us coming back for more)
Through all the change, we will be strong.....I talk to my sister quite often. I facebook with my friends, and soon I hope to Facetime too (personally and hopefully as techno buddies between classrooms).
Until next time....
(Written by Delena)