Saturday, August 24, 2024

Last Days of Summer and School Year Starts!

Chris and I celebrated our 30th wedding anniversary. We had a tropical storm come through and all was well the storm had moved off…. Then that night it started raining again. It rained 10 inches in 9 hours. The pond in our back yard had reached midway in our backyard and the front yard was flooded. We live near the water drain so the road in front of our house was about mid thigh deep. I actually started pre-planning virtually for 3 days. Thankfully to have Chris’s truck so we could get out, if needed. 
That weekend, we were able to spend time at the beach. This summer was definitely a beach summer for me and 

 Summer sleeping in and lazy days have ended and school has started. Dylan is entering his last year. He will age out in the middle of the school year when he turns 21, but he will be able to complete the year in the program which is is attending. Austin is a sophomore. This will be my 27 year teaching. I am teaching third grade again. So far we have been in school for 7 days. The boys are adjusting well and I have met my 24 students and had 7 magical 

Monday, August 5, 2024


Summertime is coming to an end soon as I head back to work on Wednesday. It has been a nice, relaxing summer. Vacations, days at the beach with family or sometimes just Chris and I, Austin getting his learners license and practicing driving with Chris, going to the gym with the boys, visiting with Ashleigh and Sam, and relaxing. It has been a wonderful summer.