Sunday, September 13, 2020


 Chris bought a surfboard several years ago with the intent to use as decorative attire for the station wagon...however that changed. During the time from March to now, Ashleigh and a couple of friends have been surfing. So since the surfboard was missing a nose, Ashleigh ordered one. When it arrived, it was a little too small. Therefore, she and Chris worked to attach the nose using body putty  and bindi (so much like car body work). Then, she and Chris decided that the board needed a paint. She researched and found out that her board was a Peter Pan board. She them came up with a Peter Pan design of her own. She and Chris continued to sand and sand and repair the board. She and I cut out designs with Cricut and bought paint. As time proceeded and after some glitches I’m with body work and paint (and eye surgery) the board is revealed!! It has even already been used. What a great bonding time and the board looks fabulous. 

Saturday, September 12, 2020

School 2020

 The school year began this week for the boys and students returned this week. I have a classroom of 15 traditional and 11 blended. However, beginning Monday I will have 16 traditional and 9 blended. Tuesday was the first day with many unknowns and as the week progressed balancing both platforms became more manageable. The students online (and parents) have been helpful, patient, and supportive. They have learned the basics of participating and working online through class discussions. Next week, we will learn more about Google Classroom and how to navigate online as well as use school supplies, features in Class Dojo and GC, and implement curriculum.  
While I haven’t really voiced my views on returning to the classroom, however; some know that I started back to school with a complete acceptance and knowledge that God is speaking to me every day. He has given me a peace and confidence about teaching 3rd grade  face to face and virtually! I’m enjoying every day and giving God the Glory for allowing me year 23! While, I am teacher tired and I have stayed up late. I do not feel overwhelmed in the least. I teach with people who seem to be frustrated with all the requirements. I am taking one day at a time. All I can say is if you open The Word of God and let Him pour his love into your soul you will know that He is sovereign- He is in control.  God is good! He is faithful. He loves us and He guides us when we seek Him. Seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things will be added unto you! Singing hallelujah! 🎶 🎵 🎶 decide today faith over fear.  2020 has been the year that continues to grow my relationship with Christ. I’m thankful and blessed!