Sunday, September 13, 2020


 Chris bought a surfboard several years ago with the intent to use as decorative attire for the station wagon...however that changed. During the time from March to now, Ashleigh and a couple of friends have been surfing. So since the surfboard was missing a nose, Ashleigh ordered one. When it arrived, it was a little too small. Therefore, she and Chris worked to attach the nose using body putty  and bindi (so much like car body work). Then, she and Chris decided that the board needed a paint. She researched and found out that her board was a Peter Pan board. She them came up with a Peter Pan design of her own. She and Chris continued to sand and sand and repair the board. She and I cut out designs with Cricut and bought paint. As time proceeded and after some glitches I’m with body work and paint (and eye surgery) the board is revealed!! It has even already been used. What a great bonding time and the board looks fabulous. 

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