Sunday, February 16, 2020


The school year is flying. The winter months are fast yet slow.  School is half way through the third quarter  for Austin and Dylan. Austin received his progress report and continues to do well. I love to hear his stories about what he is learning each day. He especially loves Social Studies. Recently, he learned about the Great Depression and is now learning  about WWII. He is also taking an elective called Agriculture. In his class, there is an incubator and there will soon be chicks. They are hopeful to maybe have 4 chicks because the incubator has not been working properly. In Choir, He is learning songs and using solfage. I hear him singing and it reminds me of Ashleigh and her singing when she was in elementary school. He is also so excited to tell  Ashleigh about what he is learning and to compare songs. He shares the music by singing and through the computer. They study a composer a month also and he is becoming well rounded and knowledgeable in music.  He is singing songs in various languages  including Spanish, Native languages, and English.
Dylan is doing well in school. He is being evaluated for the usage of an assisted communication device. I am really excited about this for his wants, needs, and socialization as he continues to become more independent and reaching adulthood.
Ashleigh is in full swing with lectures, labs, and clinical  each week. Her hospital rotation is the same hospital and floor this semester is ironically the same as she worked on in high school. She is also dancing in a piece of music performed by Concert Singers. CBHS sang the piece and now CSU is singing the piece. The choir director  had mentioned hiring dancers and Ashleigh asked him to consider her as she dances and would love the opportunity. He did and now she has been practicing and will perform later this month. She also auditioned for the play, Mousetrap, and landed the lead female role as Mollie. . She is learning  to manage time for study, food, fun, and class.
We are all  transitioning to having Ashleigh living on campus. The boys are too. This means more intentional time when Ashleigh is at home and changes for the boys as well. We have created chore charts and new routines, but also plan for family fun and game/movie nights. Homework, tutoring, and every day routines such as menu planning are more intentional and meaningful too.
I have sense adopted a flower garden started by Ashleigh to care for and water too. Honestly, I do enjoy helping and watching her when she comes home to see the growing process of the seeds.
God has been so good to us during this transition. He is growing each of us everyday— what a Good Good Father.

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